Friday, March 18, 2011


Survey ULP in Monferrato

March 17, 2011: Throughout Italy will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, what better time for an afternoon of ULP?
The rain the day before it is vented and the sirocco wind portends an opening and promise only partly fulfilled. A bit 'of rain can spoil the magnificent views along the valley slopes, not the desire to be together and do an inspection in view of the tour. The goal is twofold: to explore the logistics of a step "away" and test the cultural dimension of tourism in its declination food and wine.

This time we are four: Fiorenzo, runners and designer de We combine Province (ULP) , and three tapascioni Milan away. We group together in stages, and we reach the bottom or Monferrato Monferrato. Francis ponders "the time is not the best, but it can go ... Highway campaign ... ... hills ... Landscape holds, but no time: it's raining. Fiorenzo but runs the same? We arrive and he is already in suit! We reach the country of departure and it's raining. But he will not run ?!?".
A landslide blocked the route of stage 41 and so we come directly to Conzano . E 'in the late morning and there were few people around, just someone passing through. Let's take a tour of the country and soon discover that the main square, the hostess City Hall, Australia Square was renamed in honor of the many conzanesi emigrated to Australia, particularly in Queensland.

"But he will not run?!? Forget it: it is already in shorts and goes before us. ... and runs to great! ... and is happy. " Yet Francis, who runs the video with live commentary and Simone that is being done with the camera. From
Conzano few kilometers and climb down, and then still rising along the hills. The view is always a rough look! A brief stop at the town hall Camagna Monferrato, so we are in a beautiful square dominated by the Church Parish. The navigator calls us to go straight but ends up in a square staircase.

Behind front and find the route to Vignale Monferrato, where the sign the name of the country tells us that we are in the "land of dance." The reference is International Dance Festival held in summer. But the country offers much more, both from a historical point of view that food and wine.

and given the hours we devote ourselves to eat right, on a farm by segnalatoci the expert ULP of places where it is easy to get your legs under the table and then it's hard to turn them to run .
The pause is prolonged because the menu is rich and the desire to brush everything are all there: the landlord was surprised, perhaps we had measured from the belly too small ... We face a marathon digestive and so we decide to walk and visit Casale Monferrato where we welcome runners of exception.

The center is very vital and there is a lot of people, in contrast with the quiet hills. However, the chaos that sometimes there is all in Milan something else. The time between churches, castle along the Po (seems perfect for a run) and Krumiri (to take home because the stomach is still full).
Unfortunately there was no space for a second run but the day was positive and it is understood better how to handle the logistics. Less than a month away!

Frederick sent ULP

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Heart Pain During Last Days Of Pregnancy


Here's my "Savoy" contribution!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Brazilia Santana Hidden Cam

Time passes

Last week was not successful as the previous one, but not just bland. I must say I am not very bright, I always have a certain heaviness and difficulty recovery, however I managed to insert two sessions of the capacity in which I tried to stress a bit 'stronger: I've really had to put much effort but I am still passionate about my work! Although the time is small compared with only a couple of years ago - not talking about decades ... the law of time is inexorable! - When I end a session of repeated or a Saturday night progression as I always have a sense of satisfaction. The passion in training is also done methodically, consistently, to feel the fatigue, muscle tension, shortness of breath, but at the same time feel that your body is capable of supporting that effort, led to an engine ; a high effort but it can bear. Well I think that many have experienced similar feelings of discomfort and final satisfaction for the success of a competition or, as in this case, a workout.

Monday 28 / 2:
Fund slow : 12 km in 57'49''(first 8K on dirt at 5 '/ km, then progressing to last with 4' / km)
Tuesday 1 / 3:
Fund slow : 4 km in 19'30''(break for stomach problems)
Wednesday 2 / 3:
Repeated : 4x2.000 respectively in 7'55 "- 7'52" - 7'50 "- 7'54" (3'55 "/ km and little more) with Rec 600 m lenses
Total 15 miles, including risc.4 km in 18'42 "and final. 1.2 km
Thursday 3 / 3:
Fund slow : 10 km in 46'42''(4'40 "/ km, very tired legs)
Friday 4 / 3:
Fund slow : 13 km in 1:01 '30''(still very tired legs)
Saturday 5 / 3:
Progression : 5 km in 22'30 ''(4'30 "/ km) 5 km in 21'20''(4'16" / km) 5 km in 20'47''(4'09 "/ km)
Total 16 km including final. 1 km
Sunday 6 / 3:
Cross training : 60 'to step

Sunday however, I had planned a twice a day (20 +10 km), but given the morning rain I gave up thinking that would stop in the afternoon. Instead, in the afternoon the rain continues unabated and have not had the determination to address a meeting under the water so I opted for an hour of step: better than nothing but ... Paul did a workout two hours ahead of Milan marathon!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Internal Affairs Search For The Ultimate Creampie

The Day After

the next day. Despite the weariness of having run over 54 km in 24 hours between Saturday and Sunday, Monday evening I ran it again: 12 km, the first eight problems with a 5 '/ km, then in the last four on asphalt his legs have begun to run well, so I finished the last km to 4 '/ km. I had a sense of tired legs after a marathon almost as it happens, however good, very good!
This week I hope to do something to prepare me as a minimum in view of half of Vigevano. Then what is in the race is, even though I'd like to be comfortable under 90 minutes.

the next day. not just sport. It was not an easy decision, but sometimes you also risk. I've tried in the past two years, things have not gone as we thought, but this time I acted according to my conscience, for how I felt, knowing too that they must make sacrifices, but not lowering his head, taking the chest problems, drastic resolutions. Now a pause for reflection and then we'll see. Change air.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Normal Sound Of Toddler Stomach

Nearly 100

The week before it was closed with the simulation of the first leg of the tour We combine Province (ULP) , very satisfying and a real good for the soul, while my body this time it faces a street the other! After the problem to the teeth (still being resolved) it was the turn of a problem in his eyes inadvertently been exposed to something that has inflamed them and made me inflate; ointment at night in black and enforced rest Tuesday. Then he moved but in the meantime all further upset me.

In the weekly training sessions have given preference to the quantity over quality, and the important thing is to have played a good number of miles in very close.
Thursday I also included a training for muscle strengthening taking advantage of the snow that was there in my zone. STEP 30 minutes of challenging enough that I believe have left their mark on the next day when I was planning a fund average of 10-12 km. The legs were hard and planted so after 5 km I switched to a slower pace.

Monday 28 / 2:
Fund slow : 15 km in 1:09 '46 ''(average rate: 4'39 "/ km)
Tuesday 1 / 3:
Wednesday 2 / 3:
Fund slow : 15 km in 1:08 '39''(4'35 "/ km)
Thursday 3 / 3:
Cross training : 30 'Step
Friday 4 / 3:
Fund average: 5 km in 20'46 "(4'09" / km)
14 km, including risc.4 km and 5 km in 23'57 "(4'47" / km)
Saturday 5 / 3:
Fund slow : 15 km in 1:08 '23''(4'34 "/ km)
Sunday 6 / 3:
Morning - Long Slow : 21 km in 1:35 '41 "(4'33" / km)
Afternoon - Slow hilly : 18.5 km in 1:34 '57 "(5 ' 08 "/ km)
twice a day, total: 39.5 km

The weekend I spent close workouts with short recovery time to encourage physical adaptations required for the ULP around, so as advised me OrlandoPizzolato . In practice, I raced over 54 km in 24 hours, finishing in good condition.

Francis studies the stage
rather I was particularly pleased with the day on Sunday. The morning I did my lap of 21 km classic, I do more than 20 years, pretty good rhythm and good tightness in my legs since I still had 15km of the previous evening. I ended up at noon and at 17 I was already Pozzol Groppo ULP to prove the second stage, accompanied by my friend Francis, who until mid had fun taking photos. Then on arrival in Casasco the camera was turned off and there was more to it again.

Truly a beautiful location in a pretty spring day. The landscape is a picturesque series of profiles on the hills, the castle that overlooks Pozzol Groppo, and then all the small countries each identified by the bell tower in the background the Alps and the Po Valley that opened the decline of the last hills . Certainly some uphill sections are really tough, thankfully not very long and subsequent strokes give you way down to breathe, and also to dissolve the legs.

common front to Francis before me to prepare a snack made of water (the supplements I find it hard to digest) much better than where I am over 21 without drink. Any comments about the area that he knows very well, but quickly, otherwise I'll block. In fact, the recovery after a short break is an attimino traumatic, but we must consider the race of the morning!
A very scenic point (perhaps the most scenic of the stage) was passing through the observatory's Casasco : we arrived there at sunset and it was really exciting to see the sun go into hiding on the horizon leaving a trail of beautiful colors. From there, then dive down to the arrival Brignano Frascata , where there is a beautiful castle that has been with us over the last two kilometers outside the building before the arrival hall. They are all very well taken care of the various municipal buildings, and we hit that found in every town a plaque to the fallen of all wars. This makes us remember the sacrifice of many men who have offered themselves for our freedom and emphasizes the sense of unity and belonging that we emphasize in our jogging path cultural tourism. Note
curious. My parents, octogenarians, have not seen anything in my house, but were to find relatives and saw the blog with all the photos: the power of networking!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fotos De Lindsey Dawn

Chronicle of an afternoon ULP

Sunday, February 27: The day is pretty gray and rainy weather damage and maybe something more. It's two o'clock in the afternoon when I go to pick up Paul, who had the opportunity to attend a meeting of the project We combine Province (ULP) , all played on the edge of the grounds. But this time we are ahead.
The journey on the highway line and a smooth road map orientation is well in the local roads of Tortona. 70-80 km and pass quickly upon arrival we are greeted by the kindly feel it in the courtyard. Give up coffee and boarded the house Fiorenzo . The dining room looks like the headquarters of a strategist who prepares raid: folders dedicated to each stage are proudly displayed, is the material to be delivered to carers with detailed maps. One can see that behind a great job!

Fiorenzo is in a good mood, has already digested the race morning, and is ready to dive into the details of the project. We begin to talk about charity and soon we reach Paul also apparently tranquil. In fact, Paul is self assigned the thankless task but useful to give voice to the issues and concerns. For example, raising fears that the benefits can be seen low that private initiative and is not predictable how many people will want to follow it. The initial idea to have an organizer that would ensure good participation has waned, and this seems to also increase the ambivalence of Paul: How do you do visit the area if you can not accommodate the most people? and if you run with the ballast of the daily work of the organization and how you can enjoy all the places from which steps?
Paul and Fiorenzo
A important issue but now that the project got a push from below, for good or worse, some expectations are not feasible and can be reviewed. But perhaps what is even more to heart is to keep our word: we have prepared the calendar, but how do you ensure that this day at the time, you'll be right there? And if for some reason you can not be there, as do the other? The last minute changes due to the unexpected, in fact, may happen must be brought into account, even for a delay due to a blockage on the way to go. The organization will be spartan and check and adjust ongoing.

Fiorenzo looks at his watch and says it's time to move. Indeed The initial idea was to simulate the first stage. He is Paul and I travel by car to follow and Paola. But times are tight and so we opt to do the first part of every car and then proceed on schedule. There is change and so on. From home before we move to the town hall Castellar Guidobono - ULP starting point of the tour - and the excitement increases immediately and we warm hearts even if the weather outside is chilly to say the least, "ideal for racing," according to Paul .

Start the GPS and the kilometers run faster: drive through Casalnoceto and we come to Volpedo . RV travel in the country of Pelizza Volpedo from where you can follow a path of discovery of his works and visit the birthplace . In the village there is also the Romanesque church of San Pietro X century and late fifteenth-century frescoes. In the coming months you can also enjoy the famous peaches and strawberries Volpedo. Also begins to drizzle and soon discovers that the path of travel provides a short interdict the cars that get around the Fourth square and a unique way. Never mind, the country is small and is hard to miss.

up the hill through the narrow streets of Monleale where you are in a village festival. Carnival is a tradition here to distribute the streets polenta and sausages. Fiorenzo ago by Cicero, familiar places and we also can say who owns several vineyards and wine damage. We are on the slopes of Timorasso, a high-quality wine. At the top we have the first surprise: the street is closed to the top of the hill and you can not work as expected, about-face. Should be completed in time for the passage of this stage (otherwise it will study alternative).
back over the river Curone, stop the car and the two runners cugnà will launch the first leg in racing downhill. The trip marks the car 15km / h. A couple of corners and we are out of the country, and as we climb the hill arrives. Hence in practice will be less of all six kilometers uphill to Pozzol Groppo . As car after trying to protect the two runners and find a good opportunity to take pictures in action.

More continues the climb, the more light falls, the more the temperature drops. The drizzle becomes snow. By car you do not sweat and so we have to use the heating. The cousins \u200b\u200bPiccinini run free and we can study its support behind. That of Paul in particular is of forefoot and toes out. However, runs very smooth, while Fiorenzo respiratory distress but it is slightly does not give up on talking: it shows a castle in the distance, but today we will get there.
At the top, the goal of the first stage is the entrance to the town hall . Paul gives us the law plate in memory of the fallen of WWI. The ULP-Runners are hot and not feel the cold that penetrates in our jackets instead.

Not being a race held there is no restaurant (but maybe you can think of doing something ) and you can not take a shower (though on this point Fiorenzo has a proven technique for the summer, but I do not know what can be extended to all). Another important point is that the car will need to follow or already placed at the finish to take the participants, given that the arrival does not coincide with the start of the stage.
you return home, satisfied for the simulation so rich. Paul also is taken by the enthusiasm (to us runners does not take much, just run!): "I live near here but the way I had never done the run, we had gone by car, but travel is different."

the way back I stock of genuine wine native: barbera, croatina and courteous (Fiorenzo also knows how to satisfy these requirements). I bring a dozen bottles in Milan for a couple of people. Shower and go for the final part of the simulation test food and wine in a wine bar in Tortona. We chat amiably and in the words of Fiorenzo "proposals, discussions, doubts, all areas that affect the ride, but they will take us even talking about life and the society in which we live." Do not even realize that it snows, but we are so hot inside.

Frederick sent ULP

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Brie Bullet Black Cat Who's Female With Male


dear friends I speak of signs of the zodiac and essential oils ... each sign has its own characteristics ... and its essential oil which extends the benefits ....
astrologically ram the ram is the dynamic energy, the spring,
the planet Mars. the native, lively and restless, he prefers the fragrance
fresh air, citrus leggermenti. his weakness is his head, then
all the problems that can affect this part, from hair to fall
migraines, headaches, headaches and neck pain. It is very
indicated the essential oil of rosemary to use in the morning protects
the mind, stimulates the physical level. other recommended oils are lavender,
marjoram, lemon balm and verbena. You can use the
speaker of essence, in the bath, diluted in massage oil,
in fumigations, or put a few drops in a wet towel
with hot water and place it on the head for a few minutes.
the sign of the bull represents the fertile earth, the beauty, the planet Venus
. the native, quiet, hard-working, somewhat authoritarian and possessive
tend to overeat and to accumulate. Target organs are the eyes,
the nose, throat, and thyroid. We recommend essential oils of pine, thyme, savory
, then from inhaling or for use in speaker of essences.
the native bull is very sensual, so you may want the oil of ylang ylang aphrodisiac
be added in a carrier oil for a massage from
exchange with your partner, if they are too sweet you may want to add
or bergamot lemon balm to enhance the aroma.
Gemini Gemini is the first air sign, with its planet Mercury
is a mental sign, creative, dynamic, lively and changeable mood.
The respiratory system, bronchi, but also the shoulders and arms are
its weaknesses. The essential oil of eucalyptus, antiseptic
zodiac is very suitable for purifying the air in the surrounding environment, the Juniper
ideal for purifying a hot bath or sprayed in the environment can be
also used on the palms of the hands , and then passed over the physical body and aura
a short distance. for the Twins who want peace of mind, wisdom and love
Neroli oil is recommended a sweet-sour,
promotes relaxation and contact with the best of himself.
cancer water sign, is ruled by the Moon, very loving
house, home, tends to attract all to himself, to protect and nourish
. The essential oil of chamomile, lunar features,
is recommended for its calming and soothing, to be added to
almond oil for a massage in cases of painful menstruation and irregular.
to meet the need of a nice house and fragrant, the practice of spreading
essences becomes necessary and you can space the world
hot and spicy aromas.
the sign of Leo is the house of the sun falls in the age
year in which nature expresses the peak of color and splendor, and the plants are at full bloom
: jasmine, geranium, lavender, pink
, Melissa, the clary sage. the type Leone live life full of enthusiasm and vitality, but may suffer from circulatory problems and
heart rhythm disorders. The essential oil of lemon balm helps to relax the nerves, lowers blood pressure, strengthens the heart. Lion
need of courage, is well suited thyme oil, stimulating and reinforcing.
mentioned are very refreshing swim, a few drops oil to be dissolved in the solubilising
, then pour in the warm water of the bath.
Virgo is the symbol of pure mind in a physical body. It is a sign of ground
under the influence of mercury, prudent, cautious, calculating.
love nature and herbs, spends much time in personal care and well
the suit based on clay poultices where
dissolve a few drops of essential oils of lemon, savory, lavender. Spread
the mud got on the skin to cleanse, cleanse, Degrease. also
hands and nails should always be to the Virgin beyond reproach, you can then massage with almond oil and lemon oil to remove any shadow of dark spots and imperfections. The target organ is the intestine where somatized nervous disorders, are very welcome invigorating massages and baths with pine, relaxing with bitter orange.
is an air sign, feminine, home of Venus
lover of beauty and harmony. prone to reflection and doubt. These are people deeply aesthetic, very attentive to the form, artistic symbols,
attracted by beauty, refinement and social life. The target organs of balance are
filter as kidney, bladder, skin. The species listed are those
air, to vaporize in the environments, such as bergamot
that facilitates dialogue, mint, petitgrain, myrtle. are indicated for the aroma massage, chamomile, cedar, juniper, lavender and sandalwood, a few drops in carrier oil, to pass smoothly over the entire body. for the care of the face is well suited oil Wooden
pink, a few drops in the neutral cream to massage in the evening.
Water sign with an address of Mars and Pluto is a sign of very strong and overbearing
where the creative energies and sexuality give their best if
well channeled. nonconformists and rebels, the Scorpions have problems expressing affection
. the mystery, sexuality and eroticism are the topics that most interest
, so everyday use of flavorings
weapon becomes indispensable to the sex-appeal. massage is the best preparation for the meeting, the oils mentioned jasmine, patchouli, the
pink, sandals, clary sage, ylang ylang.
Fire sign with an address of Jupiter, Sagittarius is enthusiastic, optimistic, wants to know, to travel, to conquer. Sports, loves to be always tanned and good shape, but the pleasures of
tend to favor a heavy physical and soon you have liver problems. The legs, thighs
in particular are the weakest parts of the body, then massage
that promote circulation in essential oils are a panacea:
camphor, cinnamon, cloves, juniper, thyme.
for the natives who love the most advanced and spiritual meditation are very comforting
resin oils like frankincense, myrrh and benzoin to spread into the wood burner.
Nature sober, rigid and conservative in this earth sign, home Saturn makes people think a little shy and diffident, but not
so. love good food, beautiful things and know how to enjoy life.
anatomically Capricorn rules the bones, the skeleton, teeth and
knees, the natives, so they should have regard for these conditions
and heal in time. The essence of cajeput, camphor and juniper are
be used in daily massage of the joints. Inflammation of ligaments, tendons and rheumatic pain is very suitable
oil produced from birch bark. He has a strong smell of leather, diluted
massage oil is a blessing in the season cold.
sign of air and address of Uranus, its natives are prone to freedom and friendship and suffer from intolerance for any kind of lasting bond and binding
limiting their actions. Those born under this sign can suffer from excessive
emotions and a fragile mental apparatus can produce neuro-vegetative dystonia. all species are shown relaxing: lavender, chamomile,
sweet orange, lemon balm, jasmine, rose,
be spread through the environment. relaxing bath for the evening are preferable
few drops of rosewood, rose, sandalwood, bitter orange and bergamot
to be dissolved in the solubilizer.
fish the
the sign of Pisces is the last of the zodiac, is a water sign
home of Neptune. Here, everything ends and fades to start over again.
is change. The wisdom or folly. the natives are creative, changeable,
sensitive, always in love or diseased fish immaginari.anatomicamente
govern the feet and the bones of the feet, but also the psychic sphere.
may be subject to psychosomatic diseases, psycho-affective
and metabolic diseases. The preferred oils are soothing, relaxing
as sweet orange, bergamot, neroli, lemon balm, verbena.
but the oil of the sign and the cypress, which strengthens and refreshes, and gives clarity
decision-making skills. combined with almond oil is massaged on the feet
every night as a preventive of issues related to the mark.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Can Valerian Be Used With Chamomile Tea

Only 64 km

load of miles is still quite limited, and this is a bit ' a limit. Unfortunately I have not solved the problem with the system, so I had to take antibiotics, and I will soon be a new appointment with the dentist who gave me a laser therapy. We are on the way to improvement, but not yet fully in place, and this has affected the performance. However
Running the week opened Monday at 7.00 with a dozen kilometers, many difficulties, and tired legs locked. I insist with the funds and go slow on Tuesday that improving both Wednesdays. Then I had two days of cross-training with upper limb strengthening natural :-)) In addition to working at the factory, do a hand in the country: a challenging but rewarding work.

Monday 21 / 2:
Fund slow : 12 km in 57'49''(average rate: 4'49 "/ km)
Tuesday, 22 / 2:
Fund slow : 11 km in 51'18''(4'40 "/ km)
Wednesday 23 / 2:
Fund slow : 15 km 1:09 '12''(4'37 "/ km)
Thursday 24 / 2:
Rest (works in the country)
Friday 25 / 2:
Rest (works in the country)
Saturday 26 / 2:
Fund slow : 8 km in 38'41''(4'35 "/ km)
Sunday 27 / 2:
Morning - Race : 9.6 km in 38'06" (RISC / def 2.4 km)
Afternoon - Slow hilly : 6 km in 30'52 "(5'02" / km)
twice a day, total: 18 km

Saturday is the eve of a race and so little load on Sunday morning and take part in four more races in the Grand-Prix 2011 Provincial of the Province of Pavia - runners a Vogherese. In Pavia, we run the ' 11 ° Palio Pavia district of East Memorial Placido and Luciano Ungaretti Badalusi , 9.6 km road race, although in reality there is plenty of dirt and there are also two beautiful rampette of 100 m. Good feeling from the start and the race in almost any comeback, although in the last 500 meters I missed the change of pace and I lost some places. Despite having spent nearly one minute more than two years ago, I met (as well as third-class MM45).
are already a couple of weeks that Sunday is characterized by twice a day and so I run in the afternoon with Paul the last part of the first leg of the tour ULP: Monleale-Pozzol Groppo: more than half of the route is climb, with steep climbs (see elevation profile on the right), the weather is unstable, cold, wind and even a few flakes of snow.
output fell in the simulation in view of the ULP around and it was very nice to run with and much of the following photo: you seem to be a leader an event! Soon you will read the guide of Frederick.
The final considerations are certainly positive despite the physical problems and the clouds are gathering on the completion of the program.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Poptropica Money Maker Donwload

Tech Tips

Some time ago I wrote that I wanted to understand how to develop my training ahead of the Tour de We combine Province (ULP) , a long and sustained commitment, new to me: over 1,000 km in 40 days consecutive, half of whom ran with bigiornaliere ( stages, statistics). May be limited to reduce the rate of stroke during the tour ULP than my current level, and this in itself will be enough to get to the bottom? It is good to go all the resistance? Make training slower than my habits? There may be a marathon in the run-up? Now missed two months at the start, a minimum time but I still sufficient to adjust the shot (taking into account that the race is still part of my life all year round).

Orlando Pizzolato (photo taken from
Since I have deep respect Orlando Pizzolato, and in the past I relied on him as a coach to improve myself, I just came naturally share with him my doubts. According to its organizational experiences have also quickly realized that such a project requires a lot of nervous energy to manage contacts and travel. So the specific load of the race will be added to the external load and the organization of life (as early as this!). Orlando
According to promote a physical adjustment need adequate preparation that emphasizes the good physical condition in order to support good miles run at every stage and encourage a proper muscle recovery. So I suggested to develop a cycle training where to get used to travel a reasonable number of miles both in the single session is supporting sessions close together.
For example, in the long weekend I could go up to 30km along hill tracks (fortunately there in my zone) adapting the pace to complete the distance. In the middle of the week but I could hold two long sessions close (15 km +15 km, but 20 +15 or 18 +18) so that the body gets used to short recovery time.
require a lot of miles to take care of aspects will also outline. So the advice is to enter a weekly session enhancement muscles of the legs to increase resistance to stress, and hold regular sessions of stretching .

To summarize we can say that will focus a lot on strength: both with regard to the mileage that the timing of recovery. My muscles are advised
:-) Well, I had both confirmed some ideas that my precious advice. Publicly thank Orlando for his advice that I have already started to follow.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

After 6 Weeks In Plaster For An Ankle

week rather difficult

It ended a week with two faces, and the last part is what usually remains in the memory more ... So I can smile again. Last week I argued
dental work and something went smoothly. I think I need mental hygienist, oops, better teeth, I could ask for advice on a lively settant'enne which they will ...

I have some problem due to the system that the dentist gave me last Friday. I ran until Monday evening with some difficulty, but all in all I think I can continue recovery, however, the swelling has not decreased and, indeed, I started the week with more pain especially glands, difficulty in swallowing and the need for anti-inflammatory. Forced stop (and perhaps wise). Even the rain played against: running in the rain with similar problems seems excessive to me. There remains the hope of resolving in a few days and that there is a time to recover.
Of course I was not with our hands and continued to print itineraries and contact the people who should support the individual stages.
Friday I returned to the dentist, but the problem is not resolved, improved yes, but I still have pain and inflammation. However, I started running and I put together a good sequence of exercises.

Monday 14 / 2:
Fund slow : 13 km in 59'35''(average rate: 4'35 "/ km)
Tuesday 15 / 2:
Wednesday 16 / 2:
Thursday 17 / 2:
Friday 18 / 2:
Fund slow : 12 km in 55'30 '(4'38 "/ km)
Saturday 19 / 2:
Fund slow : 15 km in 1:08 '38''(4'35 "/ km)
Sunday 20 / 2:
Morning - Long Slow : 21 km in 1:38 '14" (4'41 "/ km )
Afternoon - Fund slow : 15 km in 1:11 '58 "(4'48" / km)
twice a day, total: 36 km

short, despite all I've done a good weekend even bother with the teeth, inflammation, gland problems, but all left me and running today despite the light rain, I still tried to round training changing a bit 'paths. Concerns about the planning of training have been clarified, but this is dettaglierò in an upcoming post.
Stay tuned.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wording For Wedding Invitations; Asking Cash

Not bad, given all the garnish!

The blog is getting rich more and the other pieces of the puzzle are going in their place. Every so often happens that the "piece" is not the most suitable combination with others, but the overall image is more recognizable from time to time.

As for the race, I want to understand how to develop my training, if you continue like that or try to develop a capability to run many miles to lower rates. I'm also considering the possibility of me follow with a program, in view of the ULP around, maybe a minute later, but there are still two months before. And there could be even half of Vigevano (I shelved the idea instead of a marathon).
tend'm trying to raise some 'mileage, although I realize that for the ride ULP will be totally different. The week closed with 91 km, not bad considering all the garnish!

Monday 7 / 2:
Fund slow : 12 km in 55'49''(average rate: 4'40 "/ km)
Tuesday, 8 / 2:
Fund slow : 58'35''con last 13 km in km in strong progression to 3'50 "/ km
Wednesday 9 / 2:
Fund Average : 12 km in 51'21 "(4'17" / km) Total
16 km, including risc.3 km and def. 1 km
Thursday 10 / 2:
Fund slow : 14 km in 1:03 '51''with extensions 10x100 m
Friday 11 / 2 :
Rest (dental work)
Saturday 12 / 2:
Fund slow : 10 km in 45'46''(average rate: 4'35 "/ km)
Sunday 13 / 2:
Along slow : 26 km in 2:02 '08 "with last km in 4'15"

Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday I go straight away I try to pick up the pace and rhythm of the medium is not was just perfect, but my legs gave one! Better make hay in the barn before the teeth on Friday that will take me to rest (?) Forced. More than one intervention, a massacre! Saturday I did pretty well ran 10 km, trying not to think of the tooth to antibiotics, work, etc.. And again on Sunday I still had swelling and discomfort, but I wanted to try "to do the maximum to around 8 km" I said. At first I was not really in place, with a wheelbase a bit 'slower than usual 4'42''-4'43''/ km. I finished the round of 8 km and then I continued my minicircuito (1270 m, 635 +635): I kept pretty quiet and I thought I could even get to do 21 km, "so I can call it long!". Almost 10 laps calm and steady pace and I got there, and seeing that I was in trouble I just wanted to get to two hours, that is, four more rounds to reach a total of 26 km (also adding the link to get home). In addition, I closed the last km in 4'15''trying to loosen up a bit '. I have enough amazed at how he managed to do this exercise, given the conditions that they would think of a rest or to a maximum output of a few km. I still have to finish the antibiotic therapy. Well, we hope not to suffer the consequences in the coming days.