I always thought that the Sorceress was beautiful. Kirikou
did well to grow fast!
The main function of a meal with high levels of carbohydrates is to provide a dose of carbohydrates such as to saturate the stocks of muscle glycogen and ensure proper hydration.
What to eat . Always take into account the preferences of the athlete, but also the digestibility of foods: the lipids and protein are digested slowly, remaining in the intestinal lumen longer than carbohydrates.
Why carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are absorbed more rapidly than lipids and proteins, and this determines the possibility of having an energy substrate immediately available for use.
A protein-rich meal induces an increase of basal metabolism more than carbohydrates (the thermal effect may be counterproductive in race conditions where the 'body is forced to thermoregulate), dehydration also induces protein catabolism, as the final products require water for excretion.
3-4 hours before the race if the race is held in the morning, you must have breakfast at least 2 hours before. Particular importance is covered it from the night before.
If the race is in the afternoon will be particularly abundant breakfast and lunch consumed at least 3 hours before.
If the race is at night, will assume greater importance lunch while before the race can be expected to wait a food ration.
What is the diet of waiting?
The diet is particularly important to wait in endurance sports, especially in cases where the start time of the race has not been well defined (or may be subject to changes), or in competitions at intervals. Its main functions are to balance, avoid and compensate for wide fluctuations in blood glucose , as well as hydrate the body. Especially in athletes
emotional anxiety caused by waiting is capable of lowering blood glucose levels as the muscular work itself. The diet is used to waiting longer in a glass of 'water juice Concentrated fruit or maltodextrin every half hour after the last meal and up to half an hour before the race. Avoid all beverages with sucrose (such as drink cans).
The meal should consist mainly of foods low in fiber and complex carbohydrates (starches) rather than simple sugars, which leads to an increase with relative insulin hypoglycemia and consequent secondary central fatigue (CNS).
The increase in insulin leads to an increase intracellular catabolism of glucose causes glucose for energy.
Increased insulin also leads to inhibition of lipolysis and the mobilization of fatty acids.
Prefer a low glycemic index carbohydrates: fructose, yogurt, peas, apples, peaches, beans.
can purchase pre-packaged liquid meals that can be a valuable alternative to the pre-race meal, and they are well balanced from a nutritional point of view and have a high content of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins but also sufficient to ensure an adequate sense of satiety . They also help hydrate the body.
indication for the use of liquid pre-packaged meals:
1) competitions that extend throughout the day (or athletic swimming with batteries and final);
2) heavy workouts (ensure adequate caloric intake);
3) athletes with difficulties to keep weight .
an athlete breathing is very important for a fighter even more because it is the very basis of their discipline without "breath" the fighter can not fight. Anyone who has done a bit of struggle, even for fun, you will immediately notice how after a few minutes of twisting, the lungs begin to ask more heavily oxygen, the body is weakened and the view begins to tarnish. Athletes from other disciplines with strong muscles and very large "vain", underestimating the habit of "breath" wrestlers in the early training of struggle remain stunned when a few moments after leaving their power vanish in that state of "deadlock" that is what they have always opposed, because it shows all the physical weakness and humiliation of being subjected themselves .
But there is another kind of regret that comes from the observation that in nature most animals during the fight or in the race, instinctively adjusts your breathing to take advantage of every particle of oxygen. Their habit effort is far greater man because of his inactivity has been little used to such suffering physics. That's why the training to fight us to riapropriarci embodiment of that animal instinct and that unconsciously, every human being wants. In tribal cultures, ethnic population in one of the most 'diverse and ancient world, the fight is always connected with the representation of the animal nature of man. But
accustom your body to breathe as a wrestler?
For the wrestlers to "beginner" workouts will see more "shooting" a couple of minutes each, which are beginning to get used to the effort in that time wrestlers experts extends to tens of minutes. Many indigenous struggles auctotone or have really long time for the design of a novice or not an expert, such as competitions where there is only one fight Turkish rounds lasting 40 minutes. And when you fight the magically slows down time and minutes can seem like an eternity '...
The struggle therefore' is a sport where it requires more preparation for prolonged forced breathing. Both aerobic and anaerobic levels are required during this type of physical effort. The experienced fighter fails, during maintenance of positions "vigilance" and "stable" to make a relaxed breathing for the next step in the phases of take-offs and power, with ultra-forced breathing. Sibilla that in these moments, panting noise produces, has always attracted the attention of the audience, viewers and all people who attended to assist and a fight to fight. If not for the great greek writer, Philostratus, to see the wrestlers in training to prepare for the Olympics, writes, their breathing is labored as the Bears as they fight. This product is
pants because the fighter when the effort begins abandons nasal breathing and that starts with the mouth. This little open, because in this position will help to decrease the neck muscles, which play an important part of a fighter, and tendons of the lower jaw, which also contracts and are ready to close support for some quick strangulation, lever or pressure with your head or due to the sockets or the pressures of the opponent. But the most important thing is that this effort panting with the help of the pressure of the diaphragm leads to exploit all the oxygen in the lungs and control, even in a situation of mental effort, the frequency of 'inhalation and exhalation.
L 'instructor for a few months after the athlete develop his breath slowly increasing the length of time to fight, the breathing does not get used to the enlargement of the chest but with the elevation and lowering your diaphragm. This is breathing natural animal instinct. If a child is facing a number of years, not yet "brainwashed" by cultural rationality, you will notice right away that he is not breathing normally as do the adults, but has an abdominal breathing.
But on we see that at any stage of unconscious effort, as the fight for life or an escape from fear or danger, our body instinctively returns to breathe with that kind of breathing.
This type of breath will be developed (described in the early stages of aerobic-anaerobic) alternating forced to fight with strengthening exercises that will require "attention" of other "parts" of the body.
Training also includes other methods such as special items such as forexample shake the bag for a certain period of time, alternated with past efforts. For competitive athletes
the development of wind will be from training also helped that the race should never exceed one hour per session but will lengthen the details and stop in speed designed to force the breath in a certain way and form to the wrestler all respects.
In the case of MMA athletes, the speech becomes even more 'complicated' cause the agonist must 'pull your breath away with the one described on a wrestler or boxer thai boxer, more aerobic, with a different use of the diaphragm, with more explosive the classic cry of those who strikes and contract certain muscles.
Unfortunately, this describes the premise that training should be done daily to breath because if not done with regularity 'will not have' any development.
taken from fightordie.it Gian Paolo Doretti