Veneziacomix The association with the NGO VIS (International Volunteers for Development), invites all cartoonists and illustrators to participate with their works in the exhibition "dress ourselves of Peace", to be held in Venice in December under the first "Festival of the comic strip of Venice", with its many events will be held in the Palazzo del Cinema and in prestigious halls of the city museum.
The VIS is a nongovernmental organization that is responsible for more than thirty years of international cooperation projects, especially in education, based on the recovery of street children and literacy, human rights and the advancement of women, vocational training and job placement of young people with poor and marginalized.
The exhibition will be an opportunity to raise awareness for the project "Everyone at school in South Sudan", sponsored by the VIS in partnership with the Association Thirty hours for life to form and give real hope for a future of peace and prosperity thousands of young Sudanese. The campaign aims to build 20 schools in southern Sudan, to give education to more than 10 000 children and classrooms to accommodate them, and to educate teachers, programs support them.
With illustrations prepared a catalog of the exhibition will be the sale of which will go entirely to charity, in support of this project.
All artists who so wish may participate in this charity initiative preparing for free, an illustration for the exhibition and catalog.
The show's title is "dress ourselves for peace." For each design and request a pin-up of his character that "wearing" the flag of peace.
The illustration may be in color or black and white, size 22 x 33 cm, and should be delivered by mid-October.
The original table will be returned at the end of the show.
The theme of the exhibition, apparently very simple, he wants to emphasize that peace, one of the fundamental human rights, is a reality too important to delegate it only to politicians and rulers, but each person is called in the first person to work towards a world possible. Peace must be a mindset that starts with each of us, in relation to other people in the workplace, in the style of life, critical consumption, small gestures of everyday life ... almost exactly like a dress to wear ever, as the uniform of a comic book hero!